Protect your property. Let's work together to stop forced annexation.
The Issue
Our mission is simple: to ensure property owners and residents have the right to vote on the potential annexation of their property.
“Forced annexation” is a legal process by which property located in an unincorporated area of a county may become part of a neighboring city.
We believe forced annexation is un-Texan, yet state law currently allows cities in most counties (known as Tier 1 counties) to annex property without asking the owners or residents of that property for permission.
But on May 4, 2019, voters in Ellis and Montague Counties can vote to END FORCED ANNEXATION in those counties – by voting to become Tier 2 counties.
The #Vote4Tier2 movement is a community-based, non-partisan group dedicated to changing counties throughout Texas to Tier 2 status as it relates to municipal annexation.
Ellis and Montague
County Proposition A
Ballot Language
The question will appear on the ballot as:
“Changing_your_county from Tier 1 county status to Tier 2 county status for purposes of municipal annexation as described by Chapter 43 of the Texas Local Government Code”
Election Day is May 4, 2019

Ellis County
If you are a registered voter in Ellis County

Montague County
If you are a registered voter in Montague County

Reeves County
If you are a registered voter in Reeves County
Get Involved
It is VITAL for you to join our cause to educate voters and make sure enough people vote YES on Tier 2 in the May 4, 2019 Elections.